Friday, 27 March 2015

Update 27/03/2015 - Aaron

(Modelling NPC Head)

Need to fix the five-sided parts which are highlighted. Going to finish it off today/over this weekend.
by Cameron Keeler

goals for easter break:

- look into self promotion for the group

- Design new enemy

- finish last texture and touch up any textures if needed

- create a few environmental assets to blend the terrain with the buildings better.

This week I have been researching printing studios and self promotion websites

Quest_Info Ceri 27/03/2015

Quest info hidden on turn-in fixed^

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Viva Feedback

  • Controller needs to work with UI
  • Test game more often
  • Project planning
  • Better and more relevant rewards for quest completion
  • NPC, walking and idles around village
  • Trailer in 1080p 25 FPS
  • Another Enemy
  • More focus on Night time unique features. Monsters, lighting, areas, quests. Make both times of day have their own theme and features.
  • Possibly more unique NPC for quest related characters (Use other NPC Model)
  • Full gameplay video as well as gameplay trailer.
  • Empty areas

Monday, 23 March 2015

Weekly Goals - Aaron - 23/03/15

(Working On Bridge Texture)


  • Get Hud Designs working in engine.
  • Texture Bridge.
  • Carry on with Ship Texture.
  • Model NPC

Monday, 16 March 2015

Rowan - Goals

Viva presentation
Jump animation

Final_Goals Ceri 16/03/2015

Goals for Friday:

-Finish demo! -Thursday
-All quests working with widgets -Monday/Tuesday
-All assets textured -Wednesday
-Functionality for abilities finished -Tuesday/Thursday
-Slime boss Fight working -Wednesday
-Block off empty areas of world -Wednesday
-Fix Attack animation blend -Monday
-Clean project folders where needed -Thursday
- .exe -Tuesday/Thursday

Friday, 13 March 2015

by Cameron Keeler

all textures except for one are now completed

viva presentation started

Quest+Challenges Ceri 13/03/2015

Slimes health colour changes to red when low^

Axe reward+coin sfx^

Spell cast animation^ 
(Not blent yet)

Bucket Challenge^

Bucket Challenge failed^

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Rowan - Music and Sound Effect Licences

Monday, 9 March 2015

by Cameron Keeler

goals for the week:

finish textures

model and texture any key assets that are needed

start viva presentation

Rowan - Goals for the week

  • Run animation 
  • Idle animation 
  • Fireball attack animation

Weekly Goals - Aaron

Friday Goals:
  • Finish Ship texture (by Wednesday)
  • HUD Implementation / UI Design
  • Assorted Assets

Weekly_Goals Ceri 09/03/2015

Rowan's walk in engine^


Goals for Friday:
-Continue with quests/challenges
-UI implementation
-Sound/Audio implementation
-Boss slime AI
-Lock-on to target enemy (to improve combat)

Friday, 6 March 2015

Rowan - Animation

Screen recorder at home broken, don't know why. - will just have to show in Maya/Motionbuilder (SORRY)
Some files corrupted for idle animation. But have earlier versions, still needs work.
Been having problems with rig, root bone causing issues.
Walk tweaked slightly since last session
Run progress made but root bone causing problems.
Fireball attack progress, again root bone causing some issues.
by Cameron Keeler

Update - Aaron 06/03/15

Ship UVs
(Was having issues with the layout of UV sets but the problem is solved now)

Quest Journal

Notes for today: Since I won't be able to attend today, (Have sent an email explaining why). I will be looking into how to implement UI over the weekend as Ceri suggested, as well as finish off the Boat texture which I was having small issues with.