Monday, 26 January 2015

Weekly Goals - Aaron


  • Get all animations currently completed into engine.
  • Finish Villager body model.
  • Finish Spell casting animation.
by Cameron Keeler

Goals for the week:



Rowan Goals for the week

- Finish Character texture
- Create fishing boats
- Other assets?

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Weekly_Goals Ceri 25/01/2015

Improved Dirt textures^

Glow effect for rock^

Quick start to quest^

Goals for Friday
-look into and practise using arrays for NPC to player conversations
-Quest item counter
-Inventory system
-Add things to the player HUD- Map, Chat box, Health, Spell/Inventory slots 

Monday, 19 January 2015

by Cameron Keeler

Weekly Goals - Aaron


Continue character modelling.

Jump Animation.

Work on getting animation into engine.

Clean up any animation that needs it.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Multiple_Textured_Model Ceri 18/01/2015

The mesh pieces should be combined to match the UV sheets, then all combined mesh groups should be selected and exported, they then import into UE4 as one mesh with the mesh group number of elements which allows for applying different materials.

I got Multiple Textured Meshes working in UE4^

Emission maps working^

Goals for Friday
-Continue to improve lighting (effects)
-Continue implementing assets
-Implement character Skeletal mesh
-Continue environment textures